Saturday, May 17, 2008

Estrogens Everywhere

Where did all the real men go?

Endocrinology has given us another theory on why there are not real men left in the world.

The next time your girlfriend says your not a real man, tell her its not your fault, it’s all the estrogen and endocrine disruptors in the drinking water, in your plastic water bottle, your shampoo, the plastic liner in the can of beans, all the tofu and soy milk you drink.

If the Associated Press’ investigative story on drugs in our drinking water has wet your appetite to learn more about trace amounts of drugs accumulating in your liver and other organs, here's an audio file from a lecture given by Dr. David Norris.

The same week Associated Press came out with its sweeping investigative story about pharmaceuticals in our drinking water, I heard Dr. David Norris' lecture on "Environmental Estrogens: Sex, Lies and Water Supplies." He talks about the evidence that estrogen may be turning male fish into female fish Norris and his grad students made the startling discovery that white sucker fish in Boulder Creek, downstream from where the Boulder wastewater treatment plant was releasing effluent into the creek, were developing female sex organs. Norris is a professor of Integrative Physiology department at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Norris has given this speech many times, and I think he does a good job of explaining endocrinology in lay terms. Here is an audio recording of the lecture he gave on March 11, 2008 at the Boulder Public Library. Estrogen is a natural hormone found in every sewer system, and researchers also say that chemical compounds derived from detergents or in personal care products, plastics and the like can mimic estrogen.

Here's a few links to related sites:;_ylt=Av3hcO_tBxm5krXrR8cgqgRH2ocA;_ylt=As2X4ciCGLR_ZMe.OA2hAAFG2ocA


Magamud said...

I have tits and im growing a vagina. There are reports of low sperm count. We will turn into a hermaphrodites and need cybernetics to reproduce and function. With GMO's, MSG, Toxic metals, electromagnetic pollution, High fructose corn syrup, vaccines and the ray gun you call tv kiss your microbiology good bye. Post humanism.

Magamud said...

I have tits and im growing a vagina. There are reports of low sperm count. We will turn into a hermaphrodites and need cybernetics to reproduce and function. With GMO's, MSG, Toxic metals, electromagnetic pollution, High fructose corn syrup, vaccines and the ray gun you call tv kiss your microbiology good bye. Post humanism.